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There is an opportunity to reduce your consumption through our conservation program. Every property owner is painfully aware, water rates are constantly on the rise. Conservation measures are a necessity rather than an option.

We can show you how to achieve a reduction in “water consumption”, which will actually lower your costs. This is not a “one-time” credit.

Successful conservation reduces your water usage!

– as well as your water bill – going forward.

This means that as long as new issues don’t arise, you can effectively increase your bottom line permanently.

Our objective is to implement conservation throughout your building, thereby reducing your cost of water as well as your cost of heat.

There is no upfront cost to you.

We only get paid once we achieve results, by a portion of the savings. You have nothing to lose except water wasted.

As you can see, the potential here is enormous. For every month that you delay a conservation project such as this, you are losing that potential savings completely – and “permanently”. Even a seemingly “insignificant leak” can translate into a substantial loss of income.

Moreover, statistically, 1/3 of your water consumption is used for hot water. Therefore, lowering your water usage will effectively result in a lower heating bill as well.

Let’s face it, water leaks do not get better on their own.

Ignore them, and they will only get worse!

Call 718-854-1096

to start conserving today!

If you don’t like where you’re headed, switch direction.

Change: It eventually comes knocking on the door of almost everyone, whether or not we’re ready for it. Old habits are difficult to break.

Some say one of the most dangerous reactions is, “We’ve always done it that way.” That may be true, but someone else may say past success is no guarantee of future success.

As we criss-cross the county, we realize there is still more conservation needed. Most likely, this is going to necessitate a change of mind, doing things a little differently, if any appreciable amount of progress is to be made.